Hello, my name is Jean-Baptiste Morice and I am a software engineer specialized in computer graphics and digital image processing.

I am currently looking for new opportunities.

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My experiences

March 2022 - December 2023

Technical Leader


Saint-Grégoire, France

Technical oversight (technical studies, architecture, build system, CI/CD, documentation, testing, development standards, knowledge sharing and training of new recruits) of two projects: a 3D visualization software for geographical data and a new similar undisclosed project, both developed in C++ and C#; as well as regular maintenance and evolution work.

September 2019 - March 2022

Software Engineer


Saint-Grégoire, France

Maintenance and evolution of a 3D visualization software for geographical data developed in C++ and C#.

March - September 2018

Virtual Reality R&D Engineer Intern


Cesson-Sévigné, France

Studied the possible interactions in virtual reality between synthetic 3D content (produced by a graphic designer) and 3D content captured from reality (photogrammetry, 360-degree photos and videos, etc.), developed demonstrators highlighting the identified technological barriers which could be the subject of new research projects for the R&D laboratory.

June - September 2017

3D Rendering Engineer Intern


Bruz, France

Assessed the relevance of the Vulkan graphics API as a replacement for OpenGL in a real-time 3D rendering engine. Implemented it on a subset of the engine, evaluated the potential performance gains, and proposed a methodology to perform the API change over the entire engine.

June - August 2016

IT Project Manager Intern


Rennes, France

Contributed to initiate and plan an improvement project for the company’s information system. Performed needs assessments and expressed functional specifications for the improvement of the current Enterprise Resource Planning software (ERP) and for the purchase of a Customer Relationship Management software (CRM).

April - August 2015

Software Developer Intern

MPO France

Vilaines-La-Juhel, France

Functional analysis, design, and development of a software interface between a Desktop Publishing (DTP) workflow engine and a Manufacturing Execution System (MES).

My skills


C++ C# Python Java PHP HTML & CSS

Graphics Programming

OpenGL & GLSL Vulkan Unity


Git CMake Conan GitLab GitLab CI/CD Jenkins SonarQube Microsoft Visual Studio Qt OpenCV MySQL PostgreSQL Microsoft SQL Server Windows Linux


Teamwork Communication Project Management Agile Software Development


:fr: French :gb: English

My education

2015 - 2018

Engineering Degree in Computer Science

École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Rennes (ESIR)

Rennes, France

A french engineering degree in computer science with a specialization in computer graphics and digital image processing from a competitive engineering school attached to the University of Rennes 1.

Courses : rendering (real-time rendering, ray tracing, global illumination…), digital image processing, compilation for digital imaging, human-computer interactions, image classification, video compression, computer vision, special effects, video games

2013 - 2015

Two-Year University Degree in Computer Science

Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Laval

Laval, France

A two-year university degree in computer science. Approximately equivalent to a Diploma of Higher Education in the UK, or an Associate’s Degree in the US.

Courses : algorithms, data structures and programming, object-oriented programming, software architecture, human-computer interactions, databases, operating systems, computer networks

My projects

Advanced Rendering Module

Several animation related algorithms implementations (scene graph, inverse kinematic, spring-mass system) done as a school project.